He has it all covered! No need to worry!


"Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?" (Matt.6:31 ESV)

When I was a young child, we lived a half mile from the Van Duzen River in Northern California. One winter it rained so much that the river suddenly overflowed its banks and grew to an astounding five miles wide!

It happened very fast and we were caught totally by surprise!

We were in our home having dinner, not expecting any problem, when suddenly water started coming into the house from under the doors.

We didn't have time to save anything from our house or farm!

When Daddy saw the water coming into the house he jumped up from his chair and grabbed my brother David and me and rushed us out the front door. Our car was already not drivable so we waded quickly through the fast rising water towards the nearest hill, and then we climbed upward to safety.

From our vantage point on the hill we looked down to see our home, livestock, and everything we owned, quickly disappearing under water!

Even though it was obvious that we had just lost everything, Daddy told us repeatedly not to be afraid.  He said it would be okay because he would be taking care of us. While assuring us with his gentle words, he held our small hands tightly in his strong ones. And we felt safe!

And Daddy kept his promise!

He was able to take care of us because he had plenty of money in the bank as well as good flood insurance! We in fact didn't go without a thing! We went to the store and bought clothes and we stayed in a nice hotel until Daddy could make more permanent arrangements.

In the same way, God has our needs completely covered!

No matter what should suddenly happen to us, or how bad something may look, we never have to "be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?" He has it all covered!

Mike French