From the Lord comes knowledge and understanding!


 “The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.” (Psalm 19:7)

Don't be a fool, be wise!

“A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash” (Prov. 15:14 NLT)

Garbage in garbage out!

Some people tell me they can watch or read  anything and it doesn't bother them. That is foolish talk! Just because something doesn't bother you doesn't make it acceptable! It only means you have gotten so used to it that it no longer bothers you! It's like the proverbial frog placed in warm water. If it is heated up quickly, it notices and jumps out. But, on the other hand, if it is heated up very slowly, only one degree at a time, it doesn’t notice until it's too late and it is cooked! When you can watch and read stuff that is profane, blasphemous, evil, vile, and abusive and it doesn’t bother you, you have a problem. You have become a fool.

Whatever you put in your brain is what you become (or are)! You have a choice to make regarding what you allow to go into your head. You can put in trash or you can put in truth. The Bible says “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7)

 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor10:5)

The place you need to go to fill your mind with truth is God’s Word. Proverbs 2:6 says, “It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding.”

Mike French