You have God's knowledge in every place!


“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” (2 Cor. 2:14, NASV)

Life was very different when I was a kid

I grew up in a time where many still used ice boxes to keep their food cold during the summer. Everybody heated their homes with fire wood, cooked their meals on big wood stoves, and used outhouses (no indoor plumbing). We got our water from the creek – nothing was convenient back then. Doing things like bathing and laundry were major chores. Water had to be hauled, heated on the wood stove, and used carefully – it was a precious commodity!  Doing laundry was a complicated hard job and you had to set aside an entire day to it. There was no such thing as modern washing machines or indoor dryers. Clothes had to be hung outside on clotheslines and then brought in and ironed. We didn't have special laundry soaps or fabric softeners. There was no such thing as permanent press or easy care fabrics. And someone has called them “the good old days!” I remember those days as hard work days.

We now live in a wonderful age of many marvels of technology that most take for granted

We drive beautiful air conditioned vehicles in complete comfort with amazing entertainment systems and satellite controlled GPS systems. Homes have heating/cooling systems, hot water heaters, refrigerators, toasters, electric mixers, blenders, modern cooking ranges, microwaves and convection ovens. Much of our food is prepackaged and instant. We have big flat screen televisions, personal computers, the internet, and smart phones. Most of this was only a fantasy when I was a kid growing up in a log cabin in Alaska!

But wait! There’s much more to come!

Even though we've made many incredible  advances, there is so much more we haven't discovered yet as knowledge increases. The Bible predicted this would happen.

“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." (Dan. 12:4 NASB)

We haven't even scratched the surface of what is possible.

New discoveries are happening every day. When God created the world all the raw materials for everything we presently enjoy was already available, but we didn't have the knowledge to use them. And more discoveries are on the way. Soon cars may all be driverless and we will get into driving pods and tell them where we want to go (we already give verbal commands to our GPS devices). Think of all the ramifications of that!

We need to use what God has given us to share the Gospel!

In the so called “old days” of doing business, it took us a long time to get some important information to a group of people. Back then we didn't have instant email, texting, social media or the internet, like we do today. We had to type our message with a typewriter onto a stencil, attach it to a hand-cranked duplicating machine, print the copies onto special paper, hand fold them, insert them into envelopes, lick them shut, address them (by hand or type), attach a first class stamp, and then bundle and take them to the post office. It always took us a day or two to get our monthly newsletter prepared and into the mail! Today, we can get the same information delivered to a selected group of people instantly!

The Gospel message can be sent to a group of people by anyone, even you!

With over 1 billion active Facebook users, the potential is amazing! What to share? Share your personal conversion story, or share how God has blessed you, or answered one of your prayers. Your personal testimony is unique to only you and could be a powerful witness of God’s grace and even change lives. Write it up and send it out to your family and friends. Many of them may share it or  “like” it, and then their friends will be able to see what God has done in your life. It could be powerful!

Here’s an easy way to organize your testimony

  1. Share briefly what your life was like before receiving Christ (keep it short and factual).
  2. Share how you received Christ (tell how you heard, what words you prayed.)
  3. Share briefly what your life has been like since you've received Christ (how He has helped you, changes that have resulted).
  4. Share a meaningful verse of Scripture to close with.

And you can depend on God to lead you “triumphantly in Christ to present the knowledge of Him in every place!” (2 Cor. 2:14)