JESUS: He gives you an abundant life!


 “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10 NIV)

What is an Abundant life?

  • Abundant: plentiful, copious, ample, profuse, rich, lavish, abounding, liberal, generous, bountiful, large, huge, great, bumper, overflowing, prolific, teeming.
  • Life: “Jesus stands alone at the center of history as "the Author of Life" ( John 5:40 ;  Acts 3:15 ). This life is nearly synonymous with entering into the kingdom of God and experiencing the restoration of the divine-human relationship intended in creation. When Jesus healed the sick, exorcised demons, and cleansed lepers, he was restoring life to its intended, physical wholeness ( Luke 4:18-19 ; 6:9 ). When he proclaimed the good news of God, he was seeking to save and restore the spiritual life lost in Adam's sin.” - Bible Dictionary