People can be recycled, too!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone the new has come.” (2 Cor. 5:17)

Many years ago, I was an alcoholic

I spent every dime I made on alcoholI and was in constant trouble because of my behavior. I couldn’t keep a job and I was in and out of jail for drunk and disorderly conduct.

“This was your life!”

One night, I was out drinking with some friends and we ran out of booze, so we stopped at a liquor store to get some more. While they were in the store I waited in their car. I wanted to light a cigarette so I looked inside the glove box for some matches. There, I found a little booklet with a title on the front that said, “This was your life!” It was only a few pages long so I read it. It was about a young man who spent his life drinking and partying (just like me). One day he had a heart attack, died, and went to a fiery hell. The story went on to say that he could have been saved from hell if only he had received Jesus as his personal Savior. The booklet said, all you need to do to be saved from hell, is believe what Jesus did for you on the cross, and then pray to receive Him. It sounded so simple!

My life instantly changed!

The next day, when I was driving alone, I prayed and asked Jesus to be my savior. And, my life was forever changed!

I don’t know who put that little booklet into my friend’s glove box (he wasn’t a Christian), but somebody put it there. And, it changed my life!

Because of my experience with finding the booklet, I have purchased lots of them to give away. You can get them at your Bible book store, or online from the American tract society.

I wrote one a few years ago with the title, “People Can Be Recycled, Too!” Many thousands of them are printed and distributed each year. Some businesses even pack one in every shipment they send out. Who knows where they end up, maybe even in someone’s glove box!

You can see it on line at: